Embrace the power of truth

We’re dedicated to delivering accurate information that stimulates your business decisions.

Our mission

Our goal is to consistently provide top-tier services to our customers, ensuring meticulous and flawless execution of all our tasks. We believe in building a strong foundation of trust and putting our best foot forward to deliver our promise of being the best background verification company.

Our vision

We aim to build a solid trust relationship while elevating the customer experience to new heights. We’re committed to exceeding expectations and establishing ourselves as the premier background verification company.

0 M+

Candidate profiles processed

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Countries processed


In country teams

AMS Inform's mission partners

AMS Inform technology

Because we understand how crucial it is to hire the right people for your global teams. Our proprietary tools and technology help you centralize information and make informed decisions every time you extend an offer letter.


A unified platform for clients and teams which are virtually connected to work, manage & execute projects.

Candidate Portal

A gateway where candidates can submit their documents for verification purposes.

Integrations & API

The ability to integrate Applicant Tracking System for clients.

Contact Us

We are all ears. We would be more than happy to understand your requirements & serve you better. Get in touch with us today!

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