
A trusted partner for a trusted institution!

Fetching the right information for you in no time. Get in touch with us and get authentic information, every time.

Access information from more than 160+ countries

You heard that right! Out of the 193 countries listed by the United Nations (UN), we have agents, advisors, team members and institution tie-ups in more than 160+ countries. It gives us an edge over the others to get you the right information about a potential employee in the quickest possible time.

5 background verification services every government must leverage!

It comes as no surprise that governments across the globe are expanding their base. But how would they make sure that a spy or infiltrator does not get admitted amongst the ranks? Here’s what they need to do to make sure that a governmental team is free of frauds or offenders.

Here’s what AMS INFORM can help you with:

Because we understand how crucial it is to hire the right people for your global teams. Our proprietary tools and technology help you centralize information and make informed decision every time you extend an offer letter.