Why Thorough Reference Checks Are Essential in Oil & Gas Hiring?


The oil and gas industry is one of the most demanding industries.

The complexities involved in exploration, production, and refining processes mean that hiring the right talent is critical.

In this industry, even a single mistake can lead to catastrophic outcomes, ranging from environmental disasters to severe financial losses.

Reference checks serve as a crucial step in ensuring that the candidates you bring on board are not only qualified but also reliable and trustworthy.

The Unique Hiring Challenges in the Oil & Gas Industry

High-Risk Operations

Oil and gas operations involve high-risk activities, where safety is paramount.

The technical complexity of these operations requires that you hire professionals who are not only skilled but also meticulous and compliant with safety standards.

A wrong hire in such an environment can lead to accidents, injuries, or even fatalities.

This makes it essential for you to vet candidates thoroughly with reference checks.

Global Talent Pool

The Oil and Gas industry is a global enterprise, drawing talent from all corners of the world.

While this global talent pool offers a wealth of experience and expertise, it also presents challenges in verifying the qualifications and backgrounds of candidates.

Reference checks in the Oil and Gas industry are vital in bridging this gap, ensuring that you hire individuals who meet your company’s standards.

The Benefits of Thorough Reference Checks

Verifying Qualifications and Experience

One of the primary benefits of reference checks is the ability to verify a candidate’s qualifications and work experience.

This is particularly crucial in the oil and gas sector, where technical expertise and specific certifications are often required.

Reference checks help confirm that the candidate’s claims about their education, certifications, and previous job roles are accurate.

Assessing Cultural Fit and Soft Skills

While technical skills are essential, cultural fit and soft skills are equally important.

Reference checks provide insights into a candidate’s work ethic, communication skills, and ability to work as part of a team.

These checks help you determine whether a candidate will fit into your company’s culture and contribute positively to the work environment.

Mitigating Risks of Fraud and Misrepresentation

Resume fraud is a growing concern across industries, and the oil and gas sector is no exception.

Thorough reference checks act as a safeguard against fraudulent claims, such as exaggerated job titles or falsified degrees.

By verifying the information provided by the candidate, you can significantly reduce the risk of hiring someone who has misrepresented their qualifications.

Ensuring Compliance and Safety

In an industry where compliance with safety regulations is non-negotiable, reference checks are essential.

They help ensure that the candidates you hire are familiar with industry standards and have a track record of adhering to safety protocols.

This reduces the likelihood of safety breaches and ensures that your operations remain compliant with legal and regulatory requirements.

Reducing Turnover Rates

High employee turnover can be costly, both in terms of financial resources and operational efficiency.

By conducting thorough reference checks, you can identify candidates who are likely to stay with the company for the long term.

Reference checks provide insights into a candidate’s job stability and reasons for leaving previous positions, helping you make more informed hiring decisions.

Enhancing Team Dynamics

Successful projects in the oil and gas industry require strong team dynamics.

Reference checks allow you to assess how well a candidate has collaborated with others in previous roles.

This information is invaluable in ensuring that new hires will contribute to a cohesive and effective team environment.

Strengthening Employer Reputation

A company’s reputation is built on the quality of its workforce.

By ensuring that you hire only the best candidates through thorough reference checks, you enhance your company’s reputation in the industry.

A strong reputation attracts top talent and positions your company as a leader in the field.

Facilitating Informed Decision-Making

Ultimately, reference checks provide you with the information needed to make informed hiring decisions.

They give you a comprehensive view of a candidate’s qualifications, work history, and potential fit within your organization.

This reduces uncertainty in the hiring process and increases the likelihood of making successful hires.

The Risks of Skipping or Inadequate Reference Checks

Increased Risk of Hiring Unqualified Candidates

When you skip reference checks or conduct them inadequately, you risk hiring individuals who lack the necessary qualifications or experience.

This can lead to poor job performance and costly mistakes, particularly in technical roles.

Potential for Workplace Safety Issues

In the oil and gas sector, safety is paramount. Hiring someone without thoroughly checking their background can result in safety protocol breaches.

An employee who is not familiar with industry standards or who has a history of non-compliance can put your entire operation at risk.

Higher Likelihood of Resume Fraud

Without proper reference checks, it’s easier for candidates to get away with resume fraud. This could involve exaggerated job titles, falsified degrees, or invented work experience.

Such deceit can go unnoticed until it’s too late, leading to significant operational issues.

Increased Turnover and Associated Costs

Hiring the wrong candidate often results in higher turnover rates.

When an employee doesn’t fit the role or the company culture, they’re more likely to leave, either voluntarily or through termination.

This leads to increased recruitment costs and disrupts team continuity.

Legal and Regulatory Risks

Failing to conduct thorough reference checks can expose your company to legal and regulatory risks.

For instance, if a hired individual does not meet the required certifications or has a history of regulatory violations, your company could face fines or legal action.

Damage to Company Reputation

Your company’s reputation is on the line with every hire. Bringing in someone who turns out to be incompetent or unethical can harm your company’s standing in the industry.

This can affect relationships with clients, partners, and even future hires.

Lower Employee Morale

A poor hiring decision can negatively impact the morale of your existing team.

When an unqualified or problematic employee is brought into the mix, it can cause frustration and resentment among your staff, leading to decreased productivity and job satisfaction.

Reduced Operational Efficiency

In an industry where precision and efficiency are crucial, hiring the wrong person can lead to operational delays and increased costs.

Without proper vetting through reference checks, you may find yourself dealing with an employee who slows down your projects or makes costly errors.

Best Practices for Conducting Reference Checks in Oil & Gas

Develop a Standardized Process

To ensure consistency and thoroughness, it’s essential to develop a standardized reference check process.

This process should outline the key areas to be covered, including:

  • Employment history
  • Job performance
  • Reasons for leaving previous positions

A standardized approach ensures that every candidate is assessed fairly and comprehensively.

Select the Right References

The quality of the reference check is directly related to the quality of the references.

It’s important to ask candidates for references who can provide meaningful insights into their work performance and behavior.

Ideally, references should include direct supervisors, colleagues, and industry peers who have worked closely with the candidate.

Ask the Right Questions

To get the most out of your reference checks, it’s crucial to ask the right questions.

Focus on open-ended questions that encourage detailed responses.

For example, ask about specific situations where the candidate demonstrated key skills or how they handled challenges in previous roles.

These questions provide deeper insights into the candidate’s abilities and work style.

Verify International References

For candidates with international experience, reference checks can be more complex.

It’s important to consider language barriers, cultural differences, and varying legal standards when verifying international references.

In such cases, consulting with a background verification company that specializes in global checks can be particularly beneficial.

Use Technology in Reference Checks

Leveraging technology can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of your reference checks.

AI-driven tools and specialized software can help streamline the process.

They make it easier for you to manage and organize reference checks while ensuring compliance with data privacy laws.

Technology can also help you identify patterns and red flags that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Train HR Teams and Hiring Managers

Effective reference checks require skilled interviewers.

Train your HR team and hiring managers on how to conduct thorough and insightful reference checks.

This training should cover how to communicate with references, how to ask probing questions, and how to interpret the information provided.

Document the Process

It’s also important to document the reference check process for each candidate.

This documentation should include notes on the references contacted, the questions asked, and the responses received.

Having a detailed record not only helps with making the final hiring decision but also provides a paper trail in case of future disputes or issues.


Thorough reference checks are not just an optional step in the oil and gas hiring process—they are essential.

By verifying qualifications, assessing cultural fit, and mitigating risks, reference checks play a critical role in ensuring that you hire the right people for your team.

To enhance your reference check process, consider consulting with a professional background verification company.

Their expertise can help you navigate the complexities of global hiring and ensure that your recruitment decisions are both informed and sound.

Why AMS Inform?

AMS Inform has been a leading player in the background verification industry since 1986, with over 38 years of specialized experience.

Our extensive expertise spans various services including thorough reference checks, digital and identity verification, educational validation, and pre/post-employment screenings.

You can also contact us for credit checks, health and drug tests, insurance claim investigations and language translation services.

With our global presence in over 160 countries and local teams in 16 of these regions, we are well-equipped to support your operations on an international scale.

Partnering with us ensures that you not only save valuable time but also adhere to all pertinent laws and regulations.

As a proud member of both the NASSCOM and PBSA networks, we are committed to safeguarding the integrity and reputation of your business.

Reach out to our team today to discover personalized solutions that meet your thorough reference check needs.

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