How Can Oil & Gas Companies Ensure Compliance with Sanctions & PEP Using a Global Database?

factories with smoke under cloudy sky
factories with smoke under cloudy sky

The oil & gas industry is one of the most heavily regulated sectors in the world.

For oil & gas companies, ensuring compliance with local, national, and international regulations is paramount. This is because of the potential environmental impact, economic significance, and geopolitical implications.

If your company is operating in multiple jurisdictions, the complexity of compliance requirements can be daunting.

However, with the use of global databases, you can ensure compliance with sanctions imposed on various companies, countries and PEPs or Politically Exposed Persons.

The Importance of Compliance in the Oil & Gas Sector

Non-compliance in the oil & gas industry can result in substantial legal and financial repercussions.

Regulatory bodies have the authority to impose significant fines and sanctions if your company fails to adhere to legal standards.

Damage to Reputation and Operational Disruptions

Beyond financial penalties, non-compliance can inflict lasting damage on your organization’s reputation.

Public scandals or legal battles can erode trust among stakeholders, including investors, customers, and employees.

Regulatory non-compliance can result in operational disruptions, such as project delays or shutdowns, further increasing financial losses and reputational damage.

Key Regulatory Bodies and Standards

As a company in the oil & gas industry, you need to navigate a complex regulatory landscape governed by multiple bodies and standards.

Key regulatory bodies you need to watch out for include:

  • Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
  • European Union’s Sanctions Regime

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations are also critical, with standards set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

Adhering to these regulations is essential for legal compliance and operational continuity.

Adherence to International and Local Regulations

For the oil & gas sector, compliance with both international and local regulations is crucial.

International regulations, such as sanctions and AML laws, affect companies’ ability to engage in global trade and finance.

Types of Sanctions

Economic Sanctions

Economic sanctions are measures imposed by governments to restrict trade and financial transactions with targeted countries, entities, or individuals.

Trade Sanctions

Trade sanctions involve restrictions on the import and export of goods and services to and from specific countries or entities.

Diplomatic Sanctions

Diplomatic sanctions are non-economic measures aimed at isolating a country or regime diplomatically.

Major Sanctioning Bodies

United Nations (UN): The UN imposes sanctions to maintain or restore international peace and security. These sanctions can include arms embargoes, travel bans, and asset freezes.

United States (US): The US, through agencies like OFAC, imposes comprehensive and targeted sanctions. These sanctions often have extraterritorial reach, affecting global business operations.

European Union (EU): The EU enforces sanctions as part of its common foreign and security policy. These sanctions aim to promote peace, democracy, and human rights.

Impact of Sanctions on Oil & Gas Operations

Sanctions can have a profound impact on oil & gas operations.

For example, US sanctions on Iran have restricted the country’s ability to export oil, leading to significant revenue losses.

Similarly, sanctions on Russia have hindered access to Western technology and financing, affecting the development of new oil & gas projects.

Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)

Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) are individuals who hold prominent public positions or have significant political influence.

This includes government officials, senior executives of state-owned enterprises, and high-ranking military officers.

Engaging with PEPs carries inherent risks for your company due to their potential involvement in corruption and money laundering.

What are Global Databases?

Global databases are comprehensive repositories of information used for compliance screening and risk management.

These databases compile data on individuals, entities, and jurisdictions involved in:

  • Financial crimes
  • Terrorism
  • Corruption
  • Illicit activities

Examples of widely used global databases are:

World-Check: This database provides information on individuals and entities involved in financial crime, corruption, and terrorism. It is widely used by financial institutions and multinational companies for risk management and compliance screening.

Dow Jones Risk & Compliance: This database offers extensive coverage of global sanctions lists, PEPs, and other high-risk entities. It supports compliance efforts by providing up-to-date information on regulatory changes and enforcement actions.

Role of Global Databases in Compliance

Identification of High-Risk Entities and Individuals: Global databases play a crucial role in identifying high-risk entities and individuals.

Screening and Monitoring Processes: Global databases support the screening and monitoring processes essential for compliance.

Your company can use these databases to screen potential business partners, suppliers, and employees against various watch lists and sanctions lists.

Utilizing Global Databases Effectively

Integration into Compliance Programs: To maximize the benefits of global databases, you must integrate them into your overall compliance program.

Regular Updates and Audits: These are essential for maintaining the effectiveness of global databases.

Key Components of an Effective Compliance Program

Policies and Procedures

Effective compliance programs are built on well-defined policies and procedures.

These documents outline your company’s commitment to compliance, specify the standards and regulations to be followed, and detail the processes for managing compliance risks.

Training and Awareness Programs

Training and awareness programs are essential for fostering a culture of compliance.

Regular training sessions will help your employees stay informed about regulatory changes, best practices related to compliance and the company’s policies.

Technology and Tools for Compliance

Technology plays a critical role in modern compliance programs.

Software solutions and automation tools can streamline compliance processes in your organization, reduce manual errors, and enhance efficiency.

Importance of Integrating Various Compliance Tools

Integrating various compliance tools into a cohesive system is crucial for maximizing their effectiveness.

This integration allows for seamless data sharing, comprehensive risk assessments, and more efficient compliance management.

The Role of Background Verification Companies in Compliance

Background verification companies possess the expertise and resources to conduct thorough compliance checks.

These companies specialize in screening individuals and entities against global databases, sanctions lists, and PEPs.

Services Offered by Background Verification Companies

Background verification companies offer a range of services, such as:

Screening for global

  • databases
  • Sanctions
  • PEPs

These services can help you identify high-risk entities and individuals, to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

By outsourcing these tasks to experts, your organization can focus on its core operations, while maintaining robust compliance practices.

Ongoing Monitoring and Compliance Support

In addition to initial screening, background verification companies provide ongoing monitoring and compliance support.

This includes regular updates to risk profiles, continuous monitoring of transactions, and alerts for any changes in risk status.

Challenges and Future Trends in Compliance

Evolving Regulations and Geopolitical Dynamics

One of the biggest challenges in compliance is the constantly evolving regulatory landscape.

Regulations can change rapidly due to geopolitical dynamics, new legislation, or shifts in enforcement priorities.

Resource and Knowledge Constraints within Organizations

Many organizations face resource and knowledge constraints when managing compliance.

Smaller companies, in particular, may lack the expertise and resources needed to develop comprehensive compliance programs.

Future Trends in Compliance

Increasing reliance on AI: The future of compliance will see an increasing reliance on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

These technologies can enhance the accuracy and efficiency of compliance processes by automating tasks such as data analysis, risk assessment, and monitoring.

Global cooperation and harmonization of regulations: Global cooperation and the harmonization of regulations are expected to grow in the coming years.


Prioritizing compliance as a strategic objective is essential for success in the oil & gas sector.

Consulting with background verification companies can provide the expertise and resources needed for thorough due diligence and ongoing compliance support.

By adopting a proactive and holistic approach to compliance, you can navigate the complex regulatory landscape and achieve your business objectives.

Why Choose AMS Inform for Compliance with Sanctions & PEP?

Given the complexity and importance of comprehensive compliance with sanctions & PEP, many organizations prefer to collaborate with AMS Inform. Established in 1986, AMS Inform brings over 38 years of expertise in the background verification industry.

Our team specializes in compliance with sanctions &PEP using the global database, along with Digital ID Verification, identity verification, educational verification, and pre/post-employment verification.

We also offer credit checks, health and drug checks, insurance claim investigations, and language translation services.

By partnering with AMS Inform, you save time and ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

With a presence in over 160 countries and local teams in 16 of them, we can effectively support your operations globally.

Contact our team today for personalized solutions for compliance with sanctions & PEP.

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