15 Proven Strategies to Enhance Diversity and Inclusion in Your Organization

woman in maroon sweater using laptop
woman in maroon sweater using laptop

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) are no longer just buzzwords.

They’re business essentials that drive innovation, increase employee engagement, and improve performance.

As a leader or manager, you may already know that the success of your organization depends on the people you hire and retain.

But are you doing everything you can to foster a truly inclusive and diverse workplace?

What is Diversity?

Diversity means having a mix of people in your organization who come with different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences.

It goes beyond just gender or race and covers age, sexual orientation, education, cultural background, abilities, and different ways of thinking.

A diverse workforce brings varied perspectives, which can help your organization solve problems more creatively and make better decisions. 

What is Inclusion?

Inclusion, on the other hand, means that you ensure that all your employees feel valued, respected, and empowered.

It’s not enough for you to simply hire a diverse team. You also need to create an environment where everyone feels they can contribute and be heard.

When your employees feel included, they are engaged, productive, and more likely to stay with your organization.

By focusing on both diversity and inclusion, you can build a stronger, more cohesive workforce that helps your business succeed in today’s competitive marketplace.

Here are the best strategies that you can use to enhance diversity and inclusion in your organization:

1. Set Clear Diversity and Inclusion Goals

Start by setting clear, actionable goals for diversity and inclusion. This is the first step in making real progress.

You must analyze your current workforce demographics, and then set specific targets for improvement. Remember, you can’t improve what you don’t measure.


Provides Direction: Clear goals give your organization a roadmap for improving D&I.

Enhances Accountability: With targets in place, it’s easier to hold leadership and teams accountable.

Fosters Continuous Improvement: Having measurable goals allows you to track progress and make adjustments as needed.


  • Set both short- and long-term goals that align with your business objectives.
  • Focus on specific areas, like increasing diversity in leadership roles.
  • Review progress regularly to ensure your goals are on track.

2. Create a Diversity and Inclusion Task Force

A dedicated task force can be a game changer. This group should be responsible for driving your company’s D&I initiatives, monitoring progress, and ensuring that your organization’s diversity goals are met.

It’s critical to include representatives from various departments and backgrounds to ensure you get a wide range of perspectives.


Specialized Focus: A dedicated group ensures that D&I stays a priority.

Cross-Departmental Involvement: Involvement from multiple areas of your business creates a more holistic approach.

Accountability: A task force can regularly report to you and all stakeholders on progress and challenges.


  • Choose members from different levels and departments to ensure diverse perspectives.
  • Set up regular meetings to track progress and tackle challenges.
  • Ensure that the leadership is involved to give the task force the authority it needs to drive change.

3. Conduct Regular Bias Training

Unconscious bias is one of the biggest barriers to a truly inclusive workplace within your organization.

Even the most well-meaning employees in your company can make decisions based on subconscious assumptions.

Bias training will help your employees recognize and mitigate their own biases, leading to fairer decision-making across the board.


Promotes Self-Awareness: Employees gain insight into their own biases and how they impact decision-making.

Improves Workplace Relationships: Bias training fosters understanding and empathy, and improves teamwork.

Supports Fair Hiring Practices: Mitigating bias can lead to more equitable hiring, promotions, and evaluations.


  • Offer bias training to all employees, including leadership.
  • Make bias training an ongoing initiative, not just a one-time event.
  • Provide real-world scenarios to help employees recognize how bias impacts day-to-day work.

4. Audit and Adjust Your Recruitment Processes

Your recruitment process plays a huge role in shaping the diversity of your workforce.

If your hiring practices are biased or exclusive, it’s unlikely you’ll attract a diverse pool of candidates.

You need to regularly audit and adjust your recruitment processes to create a more diverse workforce.


Broadens Your Talent Pool: With inclusive job descriptions and recruitment strategies, you can attract a wider range of candidates.

Eliminates Bias: Structured interviews and standardized criteria can help to reduce bias in hiring.

Boosts Your Reputation: If your company is known for inclusive hiring practices, it can become more attractive to top talent.


  • Use blind recruitment methods to remove personal identifiers from resumes.
  • Regularly review job descriptions for biased or exclusionary language.
  • Partner with organizations that specialize in connecting diverse candidates with employers.

5. Ensure Leadership Buy-In

Leadership sets the tone for the entire organization. The leadership team in your company must be on board with diversity and inclusion for it to succeed.

Leadership buy-in ensures the allocation of the resources, attention, and accountability required to drive real change.


Creates a Top-Down Commitment: When leaders are engaged, the rest of the organization is more likely to follow suit.

Allocates Resources: Leadership can ensure your D&I initiatives have the necessary funding and support.

Drives Long-Term Success: Leadership support ensures that D&I isn’t a short-term project but a long-term strategy.


  • Involve leaders in D&I training and initiatives from the start.
  • Encourage leaders to model inclusive behavior in their day-to-day interactions.

6. Foster Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are voluntary, employee-led groups that provide support for underrepresented employees.

These groups help create a sense of belonging and community within your organization, while also serving as a valuable resource for leadership to better understand the needs of diverse employees.


Builds Community: ERGs create a supportive environment where employees can connect and share experiences.

Improves Retention: Employees who feel supported by ERGs are more likely to stay with your organization.

Enhances Employee Development: ERGs provide leadership and networking opportunities for their members.


  • Encourage leadership involvement in ERG activities.
  • Provide ERGs with the resources they need to thrive, including budgets and meeting spaces.
  • Ensure that ERGs have a direct line of communication with leadership to address concerns and share ideas.

7. Revamp Company Policies to Support D&I

Your company policies need to reflect your commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Review existing policies, such as family leave, remote work, and accommodations for people with disabilities, to ensure they are inclusive and fair for all employees.

Policies that support work-life balance and flexibility are especially important in today’s diverse workforce.


Promotes Fair Treatment: Inclusive policies ensure that all employees in your organization are treated equitably.

Encourages Work-Life Balance: Policies that support flexibility can help employees balance their personal and professional lives.

Reduces Turnover: Employees are more likely to stay in your organization if it supports their diverse needs.


  • Regularly review policies to ensure they meet the needs of your diverse workforce.
  • Ensure policies are accessible and communicated to all employees.
  • Be proactive in updating policies to reflect the evolving needs of your team.

8. Foster a Culture of Open Communication

Open communication is critical for fostering inclusion. Employees need to feel comfortable voicing their ideas, concerns, and perspectives.

A culture of open communication will help to ensure that all employees within your company feel heard and valued, regardless of their background or position.


Promotes Transparency: Open communication can help to build trust between employees and leadership.

Encourages Idea Sharing: Diverse perspectives lead to more creative problem-solving and innovation.

Helps Identify and Resolve Issues: Open dialogue allows issues to be addressed before they escalate.


  • Create anonymous feedback channels for employees who may feel uncomfortable speaking up.
  • Hold regular town halls or listening sessions to encourage open dialogue.
  • Train managers to foster open communication within their teams.

9. Use Technology to Track D&I Metrics

Tracking your D&I progress is essential for ensuring that your efforts are effective.

Technology can help you gather, analyze, and report on key D&I metrics, such as hiring, retention, and employee engagement.

This data will provide valuable insights into what’s working and what needs improvement.


Data-Driven Decisions: Metrics give you a clear picture of where your D&I initiatives are succeeding and where more work is needed.

Improves Accountability: Regularly reporting on D&I metrics helps keep leadership and teams accountable for progress.

Allows for Adjustments: Having data at your fingertips makes it easier to adjust your strategies as needed.


  • Use HR analytics tools to track diversity metrics, such as the demographics of your workforce and the diversity of new hires.
  • Regularly review and share D&I metrics with leadership and your diversity task force.
  • Use technology to create dashboards that visualize your progress.

10. Celebrate Cultural Diversity Through Events and Programs

Celebrating cultural diversity is a simple but powerful way to foster inclusion.

By organizing events and programs that highlight different cultures and backgrounds, you can help employees appreciate and understand one another better.

These events also give employees the chance to share their experiences and perspectives with their colleagues.


Fosters Inclusion: Cultural events can encourage your employees to feel seen and valued.

Promotes Awareness: Employees gain a better understanding of their colleagues’ backgrounds and experiences.

Boosts Engagement: Celebrating diversity will create a more vibrant and engaging workplace culture.


  • Organize events to celebrate various cultural holidays and traditions.
  • Encourage employees to participate by sharing their own cultural experiences.
  • Highlight these events in your company’s internal communications.

11. Re-Screen Employees Periodically for Continued Alignment

Hiring isn’t the only time you need to consider background checks.

Periodically re-screening employees – especially those in high-trust roles – to ensure that they continue to align with your organization’s values and safety standards.

This process can also provide peace of mind by identifying any risks that may have developed after the initial hire.


Promotes Trust: Re-screening employees helps ensure that they continue to uphold your organization’s values.

Improves Workplace Safety: Regular checks help identify potential risks before they become problems.

Supports Compliance: Some industries require periodic background checks to comply with regulations.


  • Work with a background verification company to ensure thorough and compliant re-screening processes.
  • Focus on high-risk roles, such as those involving financial responsibility or sensitive information.
  • Communicate the importance of re-screening to employees so they understand it’s a routine part of maintaining a safe workplace.

12. Embed D&I Into Your Brand Messaging

Your company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion shouldn’t just be internal.

It should be reflected in your brand messaging, both to customers and to prospective employees.

By embedding D&I into your public communications, you send a clear signal that your organization values inclusion at every level.


Strengthens Brand Reputation: A clear commitment to D&I makes your brand more attractive to both customers and top talent.

Encourages Employee Pride: Employees are more likely to feel proud of working for a company that values inclusion.

Builds Customer Trust: Consumers want to support brands that are aligned with their values, including diversity and inclusion.


  • Highlight your D&I initiatives in your marketing materials and on your website.
  • Use inclusive language and imagery in your communications.
  • Partner with organizations and causes that align with your D&I values.

13. Evaluate Supplier Diversity Programs

Diversity and inclusion should extend beyond your workforce – it should also be reflected in your business partnerships.

Implement supplier diversity programs within your company and work with businesses owned by underrepresented groups, such as women, minorities, and veterans.


Fosters Economic Inclusion: Working with diverse suppliers supports economic growth in underrepresented communities.

Builds Stronger Relationships: Supplier diversity can help you form partnerships with companies that align with your D&I values.

Expands Innovation: Diverse suppliers bring new perspectives and ideas to the table, which can drive innovation within your organization.


  • Set targets for supplier diversity and track progress regularly.
  • Partner with organizations that specialize in connecting businesses with diverse suppliers.
  • Regularly audit your supplier base to ensure you’re meeting your diversity goals.

14. Develop Inclusive Leadership Training Programs

Leaders play a critical role in driving diversity and inclusion.

By developing leadership training programs that focus on inclusive practices, you can equip your leaders with the tools they need to foster a more inclusive workplace.

This will help ensure that D&I is embedded at every level of your organization.


Strengthens Leadership: Leaders trained in inclusive practices are better equipped to manage diverse teams.

Reduces Bias: Leadership training helps reduce unconscious bias in decision-making processes.


  • Offer leadership development programs that specifically focus on inclusive practices.
  • Incorporate mentorship and sponsorship opportunities for underrepresented employees into your leadership training.

15. Recognize and Reward D&I Efforts

Incentivizing employees who actively contribute to diversity and inclusion is a great way to encourage participation and reinforce the importance of these initiatives.

Whether it’s through formal recognition programs or informal acknowledgments, by recognizing D&I efforts, you can show that your organization values these contributions.


Encourages Engagement: Recognition motivates employees to continue contributing to D&I initiatives.

Boosts Employee Morale: Recognizing employees for their contributions to D&I creates a positive, motivating environment.


  • Create recognition programs specifically focused on D&I contributions.
  • Offer both individual and team-based rewards to encourage widespread participation.


Diversity and inclusion is about creating a workplace where everyone can thrive.

By implementing these proven strategies, you can build a more inclusive, innovative, and high-performing organization.

Remember, D&I is an ongoing journey, not a one-time project.

A truly inclusive workplace isn’t just good for your employees – it’s also good for your business.

Collaborating with AMS Inform

Due to the critical nature of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) initiatives and thorough background checks, many organizations choose to work with AMS Inform.

With over 38 years of experience, since its establishment in 1986, AMS Inform has built a reputation for excellence in these areas.

Our expertise spans across D&I strategies, digital ID and identity verification, educational and pre/post-employment checks. Additionally, we offer a range of services, including credit checks, health and drug screenings, insurance claim investigations, and professional language translation.

Partnering with AMS Inform not only saves your organization valuable time but also ensures that you remain compliant with all legal and regulatory standards.

Operating in over 160 countries and having local teams in 16, we offer a global reach that can support your business no matter where you operate.

As proud members of NASSCOM and PBSA, we are committed to safeguarding your organization’s health and reputation.

Reach out to us today to explore customized solutions for your Diversity and Inclusion needs.

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